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Why You?
Masz tę lub inne książki?
Sprzedaj je u nas
Discover the strategies for mastering interviews straight from leading interviewers and recruiters in "Why You?" by James Reed, the chairman of the recruitment firm REED. It's impossible to prepare for every possible question you might face in an interview. So, amidst the myriad of potential questions, which ones are most likely to come up? This book, grounded in thorough research encompassing hundreds of interviewers and thousands of candidates, provides the answers you need. "Why You?" is enriched with insights from top interviewers within REED's extensive recruitment network. It delivers effective preparation strategies, guidance on tackling the most frequently asked questions, and crucially, how to cultivate a successful mindset that will boost your performance on interview day. From staple queries like 'tell me about yourself' and 'what are your greatest weaknesses?' to more challenging questions like 'sell me this pen' and 'how many traffic lights are there in London?', James Reed demystifies what interviewers are truly seeking.
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jak nowa
26.80 zł

- normalne ślady użytkowania wynikające z kartkowania podczas czytania
- brak większych uszkodzeń lub zagięć
Wysyłka w ciągu 24h + czas dostawy
widoczne ślady używania
Discover the strategies for mastering interviews straight from leading interviewers and recruiters in "Why You?" by James Reed, the chairman of the recruitment firm REED. It's impossible to prepare for every possible question you might face in an interview. So, amidst the myriad of potential questions, which ones are most likely to come up? This book, grounded in thorough research encompassing hundreds of interviewers and thousands of candidates, provides the answers you need. "Why You?" is enriched with insights from top interviewers within REED's extensive recruitment network. It delivers effective preparation strategies, guidance on tackling the most frequently asked questions, and crucially, how to cultivate a successful mindset that will boost your performance on interview day. From staple queries like 'tell me about yourself' and 'what are your greatest weaknesses?' to more challenging questions like 'sell me this pen' and 'how many traffic lights are there in London?', James Reed demystifies what interviewers are truly seeking.