Książka - W objęciach samotności


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W objęciach samotności

W objęciach samotności


Masz tę lub inne książki?

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Eighteen-year-old Dominika emerges from a fractured family, feeling perennially different, lost, and isolated. She constantly grapples with understanding herself and making sense of the world around her. The painful experiences life throws at her leave her overwhelmed by emotions that seem to strike with relentless intensity. Dominika's thoughts turn dark, spiraling into suicidal ideation, self-harm, and deepening depression. The pressing question looms: Will the urge for self-destruction overshadow her fragile desire to live? What exactly resides in the mind of a girl who struggles to escape her inner demons?

I felt a profound loneliness because no one knew the true extent of my struggles. All I sought was understanding, yet I did nothing to help myself. My path veered towards self-destruction as suicidal thoughts began to frequent my mind. I distanced myself from others and indulged in alcohol, for which I harbored the most disdain, behaving just like him. I cut myself more frequently, drank to the point of unconsciousness. It may seem pitiful, but back then, my mind was a tumult of chaos. Even today, it still seems pitiful, but it's the unvarnished truth. My self-esteem plummeted to rock bottom, and I find myself caught in a self-inflicted downward spiral, something I subconsciously seemed to desire.

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Eighteen-year-old Dominika emerges from a fractured family, feeling perennially different, lost, and isolated. She constantly grapples with understanding herself and making sense of the world around her. The painful experiences life throws at her leave her overwhelmed by emotions that seem to strike with relentless intensity. Dominika's thoughts turn dark, spiraling into suicidal ideation, self-harm, and deepening depression. The pressing question looms: Will the urge for self-destruction overshadow her fragile desire to live? What exactly resides in the mind of a girl who struggles to escape her inner demons?

I felt a profound loneliness because no one knew the true extent of my struggles. All I sought was understanding, yet I did nothing to help myself. My path veered towards self-destruction as suicidal thoughts began to frequent my mind. I distanced myself from others and indulged in alcohol, for which I harbored the most disdain, behaving just like him. I cut myself more frequently, drank to the point of unconsciousness. It may seem pitiful, but back then, my mind was a tumult of chaos. Even today, it still seems pitiful, but it's the unvarnished truth. My self-esteem plummeted to rock bottom, and I find myself caught in a self-inflicted downward spiral, something I subconsciously seemed to desire.



Książki autora


Dla Ciebie

Książki z kategorii

Dostawa i płatność


Cena: 6.58 zł

Okładka: Miękka

Ilość stron: 150

Rok wydania: 2019

Rozmiar: 120 x 195 mm

ID: 9788381474634

Autorzy: Domika

Inne książki: Domika

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Inne książki: Pozostałe książki

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