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This book focuses on understanding key categories impacting modern families of children with disabilities amidst evolving social changes. The foundation of this work is based on the pivotal categories of family functioning with a child with a disability, as proposed by Halina Borzyszkowska. While adhering to these established categories, I have also remained open to recognizing or defining new ones. I have carried out a social analysis of the post-transformation reality, with consideration to how conditions affecting individuals with disabilities and their families have evolved. The research I conducted also accounts for emerging civilizational trends and shifts in social communication. This book is the work of a special education teacher, for whom the topic of families with disabled children holds significance for two main reasons: firstly, due to its theoretical implications within the field of special education; and secondly, due to everyday interactions and collaborations with parents in practical settings, such as work in a special kindergarten.
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widoczne ślady używania
Dostępna ilość 51
Uwaga została 1 szt.
Posiadamy 51 szt.
This book focuses on understanding key categories impacting modern families of children with disabilities amidst evolving social changes. The foundation of this work is based on the pivotal categories of family functioning with a child with a disability, as proposed by Halina Borzyszkowska. While adhering to these established categories, I have also remained open to recognizing or defining new ones. I have carried out a social analysis of the post-transformation reality, with consideration to how conditions affecting individuals with disabilities and their families have evolved. The research I conducted also accounts for emerging civilizational trends and shifts in social communication. This book is the work of a special education teacher, for whom the topic of families with disabled children holds significance for two main reasons: firstly, due to its theoretical implications within the field of special education; and secondly, due to everyday interactions and collaborations with parents in practical settings, such as work in a special kindergarten.