Książka - Nevermore. Tom 1. Kruk


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Nevermore. Tom 1. Kruk

Nevermore. Tom 1. Kruk


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This captivating paranormal romance with a gothic twist offers more than just a teenage love story. Isobel Lanley, captain of the school's cheerleading squad, finds herself in an unexpected predicament when she is paired with Varen Nethers for a critical literature project. The looming deadline is inconveniently set for the day of a crucial school game, adding to her frustration. This situation is further compounded by Varen’s reputation as an unapproachable and unpopular figure in the school, known for his sardonic and indifferent demeanor. Varen shows little interest in shouldering the project responsibilities, leaving Isobel disconcerted.

Driven by an unsettling curiosity, Isobel delves into Varen's notebook, uncovering eerie notes and disturbing sketches that pique her interest. Despite her reservations, she decides to collaborate with the enigmatic goth. Her intrigue only deepens as she spends more time with Varen, gradually distancing herself from her friends and breaking up with her domineering boyfriend, risking her social standing.

Drawn irresistibly into Varen’s peculiar world—a place where Edgar Allan Poe’s macabre tales come alive—Isobel discovers the immense power that dreams and words can hold. In this fantastical reality, she learns that one’s greatest threat can be oneself. As Isobel becomes more entangled in Varen’s shadowy realm, she must confront the challenge of saving Varen from the dark forces he has summoned. Will she succeed in pulling him back from the brink?

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This captivating paranormal romance with a gothic twist offers more than just a teenage love story. Isobel Lanley, captain of the school's cheerleading squad, finds herself in an unexpected predicament when she is paired with Varen Nethers for a critical literature project. The looming deadline is inconveniently set for the day of a crucial school game, adding to her frustration. This situation is further compounded by Varen’s reputation as an unapproachable and unpopular figure in the school, known for his sardonic and indifferent demeanor. Varen shows little interest in shouldering the project responsibilities, leaving Isobel disconcerted.

Driven by an unsettling curiosity, Isobel delves into Varen's notebook, uncovering eerie notes and disturbing sketches that pique her interest. Despite her reservations, she decides to collaborate with the enigmatic goth. Her intrigue only deepens as she spends more time with Varen, gradually distancing herself from her friends and breaking up with her domineering boyfriend, risking her social standing.

Drawn irresistibly into Varen’s peculiar world—a place where Edgar Allan Poe’s macabre tales come alive—Isobel discovers the immense power that dreams and words can hold. In this fantastical reality, she learns that one’s greatest threat can be oneself. As Isobel becomes more entangled in Varen’s shadowy realm, she must confront the challenge of saving Varen from the dark forces he has summoned. Will she succeed in pulling him back from the brink?



Książki autora


Dla Ciebie

Książki z kategorii

Dostawa i płatność


Cena: 3.19 zł

Okładka: Miękka

Ilość stron: 520

Rok wydania: 2011

Rozmiar: 145 x 205 mm

ID: 9788376860657

Autorzy: Kelly Creagh

Wydawnictwo: Jaguar, Jaguar, Jaguar

Inne książki: Kelly Creagh

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