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My Policeman
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The captivating setting by the coast and the era are intricately depicted, capturing the subtle societal and sexual tensions of the period. Elizabeth Buchan from the Sunday Times highlights this beautifully. The Guardian describes it as a compelling and poignant depiction of a time marred by intolerance, which led to the destruction of lives. The Independent praises it as a fascinating exploration of love, while Marie Claire finds the story skillfully executed. The Observer acknowledges it as a touching tale filled with desire and dissatisfaction. According to the New York Times Book Review, it is stunning in its emotional honesty and tension. Russell T. Davies emphatically shared on Instagram that he found it to be an exquisite read, marked by its tension, romance, and intelligence—a vivid depiction of a seaside town caught at a pivotal point in history, with characters ensnared by societal norms and laws. Mohsin Zaidi describes it as a compelling narrative of love, shame, and jealousy. The Times Literary Supplement appreciates the two compelling, engaging voices that create a tightly woven and enriching story. Vanity Fair regards it as a strong tale of forbidden love, remorse, and the courage to live authentically.
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14.45 zł
widoczne ślady używania

- zagięte rogi, przyniszczona okładka
- książka posiada wszystkie strony
- wady wizualne nie wpływają na zawartość książki i nie utrudniają czytania!
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The captivating setting by the coast and the era are intricately depicted, capturing the subtle societal and sexual tensions of the period. Elizabeth Buchan from the Sunday Times highlights this beautifully. The Guardian describes it as a compelling and poignant depiction of a time marred by intolerance, which led to the destruction of lives. The Independent praises it as a fascinating exploration of love, while Marie Claire finds the story skillfully executed. The Observer acknowledges it as a touching tale filled with desire and dissatisfaction. According to the New York Times Book Review, it is stunning in its emotional honesty and tension. Russell T. Davies emphatically shared on Instagram that he found it to be an exquisite read, marked by its tension, romance, and intelligence—a vivid depiction of a seaside town caught at a pivotal point in history, with characters ensnared by societal norms and laws. Mohsin Zaidi describes it as a compelling narrative of love, shame, and jealousy. The Times Literary Supplement appreciates the two compelling, engaging voices that create a tightly woven and enriching story. Vanity Fair regards it as a strong tale of forbidden love, remorse, and the courage to live authentically.