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The book is a collection of nine short stories that explore the lives and challenges faced by women. Each narrative, with an essence of a miniature thriller, is firmly set against the backdrop of American culture. A common thread running through these stories is how women—ranging from young girls and model wives to older homemakers—are innately depicted as more formidable than men. The protagonists grapple with universally relatable issues: the pain of unhappy marriages, the ache of unrequited love, lingering childhood traumas, and, most poignantly, the solitude they endure. While the settings are grounded in realism, there is a lingering uncertainty about whether the protagonists' extraordinary experiences are truly happening or are products of their imagination.
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jak nowa
3.61 zł

- normalne ślady użytkowania wynikające z kartkowania podczas czytania
- brak większych uszkodzeń lub zagięć
Wysyłka w ciągu 24h + czas dostawy
widoczne ślady używania
The book is a collection of nine short stories that explore the lives and challenges faced by women. Each narrative, with an essence of a miniature thriller, is firmly set against the backdrop of American culture. A common thread running through these stories is how women—ranging from young girls and model wives to older homemakers—are innately depicted as more formidable than men. The protagonists grapple with universally relatable issues: the pain of unhappy marriages, the ache of unrequited love, lingering childhood traumas, and, most poignantly, the solitude they endure. While the settings are grounded in realism, there is a lingering uncertainty about whether the protagonists' extraordinary experiences are truly happening or are products of their imagination.