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Koliszczyzna i stepy
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In 2023, the remembrance of past atrocities remains a sensitive topic. Michał Grabowski's novel "Koliszczyzna and the Steppes" delves into the harrowing events of 18th-century Ukraine, exploring the brutal massacre of Poles during the uprising known as the Koliszczyzna. This conflict, part of a larger historical context, saw violent acts driven more by greed and chaos than by the oppression of Polish nobility. The populace was swept up in a frenzy of violence, brutally targeting non-Ukrainians, chiefly Poles and Jews, echoing the chilling events later mirrored in the Volhynian Massacre.
Grabowski's narrative grips the reader with its chilling detail, thrusting them into a time when former haidamakas—a term for rebellious Ukrainian fighters—swept through the countryside executing Poles for their identity alone. The vivid recounting of these events sheds light on painful historical truths and challenges the glorification of certain historical figures who are celebrated in Ukraine today as national heroes.
Acknowledged for its compelling narrative and historical significance, this novel is considered essential reading in Polish educational curriculums. The evocative writing serves not only to educate but also to remind readers of the devastating impact of unchecked hatred and violence.
"Koliszczyzna and the Steppes" also paves the way for the anticipated multi-volume work by Jacek Międlar, which collects firsthand accounts from witnesses of the Ukrainian-led genocide against Poles between 1939 and 1947. The initial volumes of Międlar's comprehensive exploration of these later events are scheduled for release in May 2023, promising to deepen the understanding of this dark chapter in history.
The book features a foreword by Paweł Krzemiński, a publicist for the portal, ensuring the context is well-framed for contemporary readers. Grabowski's work, therefore, stands as both a historical record and a sobering reminder of the past, urging reflection and learning.
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26.63 zł

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26.94 zł
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Dostępna ilość 9
Uwaga została 1 szt.
Posiadamy 9 szt.
In 2023, the remembrance of past atrocities remains a sensitive topic. Michał Grabowski's novel "Koliszczyzna and the Steppes" delves into the harrowing events of 18th-century Ukraine, exploring the brutal massacre of Poles during the uprising known as the Koliszczyzna. This conflict, part of a larger historical context, saw violent acts driven more by greed and chaos than by the oppression of Polish nobility. The populace was swept up in a frenzy of violence, brutally targeting non-Ukrainians, chiefly Poles and Jews, echoing the chilling events later mirrored in the Volhynian Massacre.
Grabowski's narrative grips the reader with its chilling detail, thrusting them into a time when former haidamakas—a term for rebellious Ukrainian fighters—swept through the countryside executing Poles for their identity alone. The vivid recounting of these events sheds light on painful historical truths and challenges the glorification of certain historical figures who are celebrated in Ukraine today as national heroes.
Acknowledged for its compelling narrative and historical significance, this novel is considered essential reading in Polish educational curriculums. The evocative writing serves not only to educate but also to remind readers of the devastating impact of unchecked hatred and violence.
"Koliszczyzna and the Steppes" also paves the way for the anticipated multi-volume work by Jacek Międlar, which collects firsthand accounts from witnesses of the Ukrainian-led genocide against Poles between 1939 and 1947. The initial volumes of Międlar's comprehensive exploration of these later events are scheduled for release in May 2023, promising to deepen the understanding of this dark chapter in history.
The book features a foreword by Paweł Krzemiński, a publicist for the portal, ensuring the context is well-framed for contemporary readers. Grabowski's work, therefore, stands as both a historical record and a sobering reminder of the past, urging reflection and learning.