Książka - Jezus


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Why is the Holy Land often referred to as the Fifth Gospel? Which city served as the backdrop for many of Jesus' miracles? And why is Gehenna surprisingly beautiful?

James Martin SJ invites readers to explore the Gospels in a lively and moving manner, providing a deeper understanding of Jesus. This unique and accessible biography caters to those familiar with Jesus and those eager to learn about him, interspersed with anecdotes from the journeys of two Jesuits. It's both an insightful guide to the Holy Land, written from a personal view, and an exploration of historical details that offer a glimpse into Jesus' world.

This sincere narrative combines reflections on faith with adventure and humor in an unconventional way. The book stands out by blending:

1. An insightful biography of Jesus
2. A historical perspective
3. A modern travel guide

Awards include:

- First place on the "New York Times" bestseller list
- Christopher Award 2015

James Martin SJ is a seasoned spiritual director and publicist, known for his role as the culture editor at "America" magazine. He has authored many acclaimed books, such as "My Life with the Saints" (one of the best books of 2006 according to "Publisher Weekly") and the bestselling "The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything." His works have received multiple accolades, frequently appearing on top bestseller lists. Father Martin often shares his insights in national and international media, contributing to both Catholic and secular outlets.

Before joining the Society of Jesus in 1988, Martin graduated from the Wharton School of Business and worked at General Electric.

Endorsers: Przewodnik Katolicki, TVP, Polskie Radio Pr 1, Fronda.pl, Ekai.pl, KI Moje Książki

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Why is the Holy Land often referred to as the Fifth Gospel? Which city served as the backdrop for many of Jesus' miracles? And why is Gehenna surprisingly beautiful?

James Martin SJ invites readers to explore the Gospels in a lively and moving manner, providing a deeper understanding of Jesus. This unique and accessible biography caters to those familiar with Jesus and those eager to learn about him, interspersed with anecdotes from the journeys of two Jesuits. It's both an insightful guide to the Holy Land, written from a personal view, and an exploration of historical details that offer a glimpse into Jesus' world.

This sincere narrative combines reflections on faith with adventure and humor in an unconventional way. The book stands out by blending:

1. An insightful biography of Jesus
2. A historical perspective
3. A modern travel guide

Awards include:

- First place on the "New York Times" bestseller list
- Christopher Award 2015

James Martin SJ is a seasoned spiritual director and publicist, known for his role as the culture editor at "America" magazine. He has authored many acclaimed books, such as "My Life with the Saints" (one of the best books of 2006 according to "Publisher Weekly") and the bestselling "The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything." His works have received multiple accolades, frequently appearing on top bestseller lists. Father Martin often shares his insights in national and international media, contributing to both Catholic and secular outlets.

Before joining the Society of Jesus in 1988, Martin graduated from the Wharton School of Business and worked at General Electric.

Endorsers: Przewodnik Katolicki, TVP, Polskie Radio Pr 1, Fronda.pl, Ekai.pl, KI Moje Książki



Książki autora


Dla Ciebie

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Dostawa i płatność


Cena: 18.99 zł

Okładka: Miękka

Ilość stron: 540

Rok wydania: 2015

Rozmiar: 150 x 230 mm

ID: 9788375168181

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