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Is God Happy?
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Recognized as one of the foremost philosophers since Bertrand Russell, Leszek Kołakowski offers a profound exploration of complex themes in "Is God Happy?" This collection of essays delves into critical topics such as communism and socialism, the nature of evil, the intellectual contributions of Erasmus in church reform, and deep philosophical inquiries concerning reason, truth, and the divine disposition of God. Engaging and thought-provoking, these essays address foundational philosophical dilemmas and pressing questions relevant to contemporary society.
Besides addressing these subjects, Kołakowski's work spans discussions on religion, as well as reflections on thinkers like Spinoza, Bergson, and Pascal, with an emphasis on seventeenth-century philosophical currents. His journey from a communist Poland—after facing expulsion from Warsaw University due to his anti-communist stance—to becoming a respected fellow at All Souls College, Oxford, in 1970, mirrors the complexity and depth of his intellectual pursuits.
Tony Judt of The New York Times Review of Books praised Kołakowski for his rare blend of irony, moral depth, religious insight, and skeptical inquiry, marking him as a quintessentially Central European intellectual and perhaps one of the last of his kind.
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Recognized as one of the foremost philosophers since Bertrand Russell, Leszek Kołakowski offers a profound exploration of complex themes in "Is God Happy?" This collection of essays delves into critical topics such as communism and socialism, the nature of evil, the intellectual contributions of Erasmus in church reform, and deep philosophical inquiries concerning reason, truth, and the divine disposition of God. Engaging and thought-provoking, these essays address foundational philosophical dilemmas and pressing questions relevant to contemporary society.
Besides addressing these subjects, Kołakowski's work spans discussions on religion, as well as reflections on thinkers like Spinoza, Bergson, and Pascal, with an emphasis on seventeenth-century philosophical currents. His journey from a communist Poland—after facing expulsion from Warsaw University due to his anti-communist stance—to becoming a respected fellow at All Souls College, Oxford, in 1970, mirrors the complexity and depth of his intellectual pursuits.
Tony Judt of The New York Times Review of Books praised Kołakowski for his rare blend of irony, moral depth, religious insight, and skeptical inquiry, marking him as a quintessentially Central European intellectual and perhaps one of the last of his kind.