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zagięte rogi, przyniszczona okładka, książka posiada wszystkie strony.
Chemia. Zbiór zadań. Klasa 7. Szkoła podstawowa
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The collection of exercises is designed for 7th-grade students and includes tasks that vary in form, content, and difficulty level, thoughtfully organized into sections that align with the specific requirements of the curriculum. With a substantial number of exercises, the collection serves as an effective tool for practicing skills and reinforcing knowledge. Comprehensive summary tests are included, and solutions to all problems are provided at the end of the book. Students with a keen interest in chemistry who wish to explore beyond the curriculum will find challenging problem-solving tasks within the collection. This publication is a valuable resource for both teachers and students.
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widoczne ślady używania
The collection of exercises is designed for 7th-grade students and includes tasks that vary in form, content, and difficulty level, thoughtfully organized into sections that align with the specific requirements of the curriculum. With a substantial number of exercises, the collection serves as an effective tool for practicing skills and reinforcing knowledge. Comprehensive summary tests are included, and solutions to all problems are provided at the end of the book. Students with a keen interest in chemistry who wish to explore beyond the curriculum will find challenging problem-solving tasks within the collection. This publication is a valuable resource for both teachers and students.