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Azja i Europa. Kultura i konflikt w warunkach cyfryzacji świata
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The book "Azja i Europa: Kultura i konflikt w warunkach cyfryzacji świata," edited by Joanna Marszałek-Kawa and Katarzyna Chałubińska-Jentkiewicz, delves into the intricate dynamics between Asian and European cultures in the context of digital transformation. This work explores the impact of digitalization on cultural exchanges and conflicts, shedding light on how the ever-evolving technological landscape influences cultural identities and international relationships. Through a series of insightful essays, the editors present a diverse range of perspectives that highlight both the challenges and opportunities arising from the digital age. The book serves as a comprehensive resource for understanding how digitalization reshapes cultural interactions across these two continents, emphasizing the importance of dialogue and collaboration in navigating this new era.
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17.03 zł
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- niezauważalne lub prawie niezauważalne ślady używania
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The book "Azja i Europa: Kultura i konflikt w warunkach cyfryzacji świata," edited by Joanna Marszałek-Kawa and Katarzyna Chałubińska-Jentkiewicz, delves into the intricate dynamics between Asian and European cultures in the context of digital transformation. This work explores the impact of digitalization on cultural exchanges and conflicts, shedding light on how the ever-evolving technological landscape influences cultural identities and international relationships. Through a series of insightful essays, the editors present a diverse range of perspectives that highlight both the challenges and opportunities arising from the digital age. The book serves as a comprehensive resource for understanding how digitalization reshapes cultural interactions across these two continents, emphasizing the importance of dialogue and collaboration in navigating this new era.