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ABC sprawozdań finansowych
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Financial statements are the result of a company's accounting processes and serve as a fundamental source of information regarding its financial and economic standing, as well as profitability. In today's world, there is an increasing demand for accurate accounting information. Therefore, it's crucial to ensure the accuracy of bookkeeping and the preparation of financial statements. This book aims to outline the principles of constructing, preparing, and interpreting various components of financial statements, including the introduction to financial statements, the balance sheet, the income statement, supplementary notes, the cash flow statement, and the statement of changes in equity. By engaging with this book, you will acquire not only theoretical knowledge but also practical skills valuable in your professional career, such as preparing financial statements and effectively "reading" and utilizing the information they contain for decision-making purposes.
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62.03 zł

- nowa książka
Wysyłka w ciągu 48h + czas dostawy
jak nowa
widoczne ślady używania
Dostępna ilość 7
Uwaga została 1 szt.
Posiadamy 7 szt.
Financial statements are the result of a company's accounting processes and serve as a fundamental source of information regarding its financial and economic standing, as well as profitability. In today's world, there is an increasing demand for accurate accounting information. Therefore, it's crucial to ensure the accuracy of bookkeeping and the preparation of financial statements. This book aims to outline the principles of constructing, preparing, and interpreting various components of financial statements, including the introduction to financial statements, the balance sheet, the income statement, supplementary notes, the cash flow statement, and the statement of changes in equity. By engaging with this book, you will acquire not only theoretical knowledge but also practical skills valuable in your professional career, such as preparing financial statements and effectively "reading" and utilizing the information they contain for decision-making purposes.