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Używany - widoczne ślady użytkowania
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This comprehensive guide to crafting the perfect sandwich will help you quickly create one that is both delicious and uniquely sophisticated. Max Halley, the owner of a remarkable sandwich bistro in the UK, realized after years of working in the country's top restaurants that the humble sandwich—arguably one of humanity's greatest inventions—was in dire need of a revival. Thus, he embarked on a mission to reinvent the sandwich by opening his own establishment.
The "Great Sandwich Book" includes a multitude of variations on classic sandwiches, inventive ways to use leftovers creatively, and recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dessert sandwiches. In total, it offers over 100 recipes that enable you to craft extraordinary sandwiches right in your own kitchen.
In addition to sandwich recipes, the author provides exceptional instructions for making breads, meats, fish, fillings, spices, marinades, pickles, and other delightful, crunchy elements that contribute to unforgettable sandwich creations.
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This comprehensive guide to crafting the perfect sandwich will help you quickly create one that is both delicious and uniquely sophisticated. Max Halley, the owner of a remarkable sandwich bistro in the UK, realized after years of working in the country's top restaurants that the humble sandwich—arguably one of humanity's greatest inventions—was in dire need of a revival. Thus, he embarked on a mission to reinvent the sandwich by opening his own establishment.
The "Great Sandwich Book" includes a multitude of variations on classic sandwiches, inventive ways to use leftovers creatively, and recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dessert sandwiches. In total, it offers over 100 recipes that enable you to craft extraordinary sandwiches right in your own kitchen.
In addition to sandwich recipes, the author provides exceptional instructions for making breads, meats, fish, fillings, spices, marinades, pickles, and other delightful, crunchy elements that contribute to unforgettable sandwich creations.