Książka - The fullness of prayer


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The fullness of prayer

The fullness of prayer


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Our objective is to explore the enduring teachings of the Catholic Church on prayer, aiming for a thorough understanding while also engaging with what we might consider the art of prayer. As with any practical undertaking, knowing what prayer is constitutes only part of the journey; one must also learn the methods of how to pray effectively. Simply possessing theoretical knowledge is not enough; implementing practice through a developed art form, complete with unique techniques and skills, is essential. We will seek to derive insights on both the concept of prayer and its practice from the core of our holy faith, drawing from Sacred Scripture, the Church’s teachings, and its age-old prayer customs. These elements are visible not only in the Church's public liturgy but also in the spiritual journeys of saintly individuals who mastered the ability to pray deeply. Their biographies and writings serve as vibrant commentaries, filled with life and devotion, illuminating the Church’s timeless teaching about the profound spiritual connection, which prayer facilitates, with the Almighty.

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Our objective is to explore the enduring teachings of the Catholic Church on prayer, aiming for a thorough understanding while also engaging with what we might consider the art of prayer. As with any practical undertaking, knowing what prayer is constitutes only part of the journey; one must also learn the methods of how to pray effectively. Simply possessing theoretical knowledge is not enough; implementing practice through a developed art form, complete with unique techniques and skills, is essential. We will seek to derive insights on both the concept of prayer and its practice from the core of our holy faith, drawing from Sacred Scripture, the Church’s teachings, and its age-old prayer customs. These elements are visible not only in the Church's public liturgy but also in the spiritual journeys of saintly individuals who mastered the ability to pray deeply. Their biographies and writings serve as vibrant commentaries, filled with life and devotion, illuminating the Church’s timeless teaching about the profound spiritual connection, which prayer facilitates, with the Almighty.



Książki autora


Dla Ciebie

Książki z kategorii

Dostawa i płatność


Cena: 68.57 zł

Okładka: Miękka

Ilość stron: 260

Rok wydania: 2020

Rozmiar: 125 x 200 mm

ID: 9788395138096

Wydawnictwo: DeReggio, DeReggio, Andegavenum

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