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Normalne ślady używania wynikające z kartkowania podczas czytania, brak większych uszkodzeń lub zagięć.

Używany - widoczne ślady użytkowania
zagięte rogi, przyniszczona okładka, książka posiada wszystkie strony.
Świat Buntowników. Legion Nieśmiertelnych. Tom 7
Masz tę lub inne książki?
Sprzedaj je u nas
The Battle Fleet 921 makes its return journey to Earth, a sight not seen since the triumphant day of the Annexation. Yet, what was anticipated to be a moment of homage to superior life forms soon devolves into a terrifying ordeal.
In recent years, humanity's actions have raised suspicions among their overlords from the Galactic center. This growing concern has led to unrest among Earth's leaders, with the Legion Varus dispatched to correct the transgressions committed. Certain Earthly projects must be dismantled to avert a potential military intervention by the Empire.
Amidst the legion of soldiers readying for conflict, there exists a man whose presence causes unease for every politician he encounters. A man destined to navigate his own path between galactic law, ethical imperatives, and the vastness of space.
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35.93 zł

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widoczne ślady używania
Dostępna ilość 5
Uwaga została 1 szt.
Posiadamy 5 szt.
The Battle Fleet 921 makes its return journey to Earth, a sight not seen since the triumphant day of the Annexation. Yet, what was anticipated to be a moment of homage to superior life forms soon devolves into a terrifying ordeal.
In recent years, humanity's actions have raised suspicions among their overlords from the Galactic center. This growing concern has led to unrest among Earth's leaders, with the Legion Varus dispatched to correct the transgressions committed. Certain Earthly projects must be dismantled to avert a potential military intervention by the Empire.
Amidst the legion of soldiers readying for conflict, there exists a man whose presence causes unease for every politician he encounters. A man destined to navigate his own path between galactic law, ethical imperatives, and the vastness of space.