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Rycerz o świcie. Magiczny domek na drzewie. Tom 2
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Sprzedaj je u nas
Magic Tree House is a beloved adventure and educational series for young readers, consistently topping the New York Times bestseller list. For the past 25 years, children around the globe have been embarking on thrilling journeys across time and space with Annie and Jack. Now, it's time for their next adventure! Annie and Jack are once again ready to set off on a time-travel journey, thanks to their magical tree house. This installment whisks them away to the medieval era, where they find themselves amidst a grand celebration at a castle. But is their presence truly welcome there? Who will assist them in finding their way back home? Join Jack and Annie on this remarkable time-traveling adventure, and for those eager to delve deeper into the world of knights, consider exploring Magic Tree House Fact Trackers: Knights and Castles. With over 130 million copies sold worldwide, this series continues to captivate young minds!
Wybierz stan zużycia:
Magic Tree House is a beloved adventure and educational series for young readers, consistently topping the New York Times bestseller list. For the past 25 years, children around the globe have been embarking on thrilling journeys across time and space with Annie and Jack. Now, it's time for their next adventure! Annie and Jack are once again ready to set off on a time-travel journey, thanks to their magical tree house. This installment whisks them away to the medieval era, where they find themselves amidst a grand celebration at a castle. But is their presence truly welcome there? Who will assist them in finding their way back home? Join Jack and Annie on this remarkable time-traveling adventure, and for those eager to delve deeper into the world of knights, consider exploring Magic Tree House Fact Trackers: Knights and Castles. With over 130 million copies sold worldwide, this series continues to captivate young minds!