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This collection of interviews by Jerzy Illg with poets and artists who share a bond with the Znak publishing house is presented in celebration of its 55th anniversary. These conversations have taken place over nearly three decades, at events such as the Nobel ceremonies in Stockholm, as well as other locations like Berkeley, Krakow, Paris, Warsaw, Katowice, and Florence. The heartfelt and candid dialogues offer a unique insight into the history of literature, extending beyond just Polish works. Instead of delivering dry, textbook-like information, the book presents amusing anecdotes, and rather than providing encyclopedic biographies, it offers personal recollections that reveal a more intimate, lesser-known side of the protagonists. Having read "Rozmowy" by the editor-in-chief of Znak, I confess with a bit of envy: how I wish I could be Jerzy Illg! This volume feels like a university to me, with my favorite department being the Art of Conversing with Nobel Laureates. - Mariusz Szczygieł.
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This collection of interviews by Jerzy Illg with poets and artists who share a bond with the Znak publishing house is presented in celebration of its 55th anniversary. These conversations have taken place over nearly three decades, at events such as the Nobel ceremonies in Stockholm, as well as other locations like Berkeley, Krakow, Paris, Warsaw, Katowice, and Florence. The heartfelt and candid dialogues offer a unique insight into the history of literature, extending beyond just Polish works. Instead of delivering dry, textbook-like information, the book presents amusing anecdotes, and rather than providing encyclopedic biographies, it offers personal recollections that reveal a more intimate, lesser-known side of the protagonists. Having read "Rozmowy" by the editor-in-chief of Znak, I confess with a bit of envy: how I wish I could be Jerzy Illg! This volume feels like a university to me, with my favorite department being the Art of Conversing with Nobel Laureates. - Mariusz Szczygieł.