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In the idyllic realm we like to imagine, everyone surely spoke Polish. However, we must accept that neither Thomas Mann was Polish, nor did Dostoyevsky write in Polish. It is, therefore, worthwhile to explore the insights that renowned translators of Flaubert, Nabokov, Joyce, Woolf, Márquez, Coetzee, and many others share about their craft. Discover how these translators strive diligently to guide us back to the paradise of literature.
The captivating accounts of their translation work are shared by experts such as Carlos Marrodán Casas, Andrzej Jagodziński, Małgorzata Łukasiewicz, Teresa Worowska, Magda Heydel, Ireneusz Kania, Piotr Sommer, Anna Wasilewska, Jerzy Jarniewicz, Ryszard Engelking, Jan Gondowicz, and Michał Kłobukowski.
This project was accomplished with the support of a grant from the Minister of Culture and National Heritage.
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- normalne ślady użytkowania wynikające z kartkowania podczas czytania
- brak większych uszkodzeń lub zagięć
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widoczne ślady używania
In the idyllic realm we like to imagine, everyone surely spoke Polish. However, we must accept that neither Thomas Mann was Polish, nor did Dostoyevsky write in Polish. It is, therefore, worthwhile to explore the insights that renowned translators of Flaubert, Nabokov, Joyce, Woolf, Márquez, Coetzee, and many others share about their craft. Discover how these translators strive diligently to guide us back to the paradise of literature.
The captivating accounts of their translation work are shared by experts such as Carlos Marrodán Casas, Andrzej Jagodziński, Małgorzata Łukasiewicz, Teresa Worowska, Magda Heydel, Ireneusz Kania, Piotr Sommer, Anna Wasilewska, Jerzy Jarniewicz, Ryszard Engelking, Jan Gondowicz, and Michał Kłobukowski.
This project was accomplished with the support of a grant from the Minister of Culture and National Heritage.