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Pasta Queen
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If you haven't yet encountered Nadia Caterina Munno, better known as the Pasta Queen, you're missing out on the essence of authentic Italian cuisine. Her culinary journey, followed by almost 8 million fans on social media, is marked by vibrant, humor-filled videos that showcase her undeniable charisma. Just four years ago, she burst onto the scene and quickly captured the hearts of food lovers. Alongside her social media success, she's made appearances on shows like "Today," "The Drew Barrymore Show," and "Good Morning America." Renowned publications "Entrepreneur" and "Social Media Week" have recognized her as a formidable presence in the digital space.
The book "Pasta Queen" is more than just a collection of delicious recipes; it is a true testament to the art of cooking. Within its pages, you will discover delightful dishes such as ravioli stuffed with ricotta and lemon zest, spinach, or butternut squash and provolone cheese. Gnocchi enthusiasts will enjoy potato dumplings baked with tomatoes, cheese, and basil; fusilli tossed in a creamy sauce with broccoli, kale, and spinach; or a vegetarian carbonara featuring sautéed zucchini, eggs, Pecorino Romano cheese, and black pepper. And if that's not enough, try the gnocchetti sardi with lemon, mint, and pistachios or paccheri with artichokes and tomatoes.
Nadia not only shares her recipe secrets but also encourages readers to explore and innovate in their culinary pursuits. You'll uncover the secrets to making fresh pasta, dumplings, and stuffed pasta. Discover traditional recipes for classic Italian dishes, meals that Italians have cherished since childhood, and learn how to select the finest ingredients, from olive oil and flour to herbs and spices. Each recipe is beautifully illustrated with stunning photographs, serving both as inspiration and guidance.
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Dostępna ilość 16
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Posiadamy 16 szt.
If you haven't yet encountered Nadia Caterina Munno, better known as the Pasta Queen, you're missing out on the essence of authentic Italian cuisine. Her culinary journey, followed by almost 8 million fans on social media, is marked by vibrant, humor-filled videos that showcase her undeniable charisma. Just four years ago, she burst onto the scene and quickly captured the hearts of food lovers. Alongside her social media success, she's made appearances on shows like "Today," "The Drew Barrymore Show," and "Good Morning America." Renowned publications "Entrepreneur" and "Social Media Week" have recognized her as a formidable presence in the digital space.
The book "Pasta Queen" is more than just a collection of delicious recipes; it is a true testament to the art of cooking. Within its pages, you will discover delightful dishes such as ravioli stuffed with ricotta and lemon zest, spinach, or butternut squash and provolone cheese. Gnocchi enthusiasts will enjoy potato dumplings baked with tomatoes, cheese, and basil; fusilli tossed in a creamy sauce with broccoli, kale, and spinach; or a vegetarian carbonara featuring sautéed zucchini, eggs, Pecorino Romano cheese, and black pepper. And if that's not enough, try the gnocchetti sardi with lemon, mint, and pistachios or paccheri with artichokes and tomatoes.
Nadia not only shares her recipe secrets but also encourages readers to explore and innovate in their culinary pursuits. You'll uncover the secrets to making fresh pasta, dumplings, and stuffed pasta. Discover traditional recipes for classic Italian dishes, meals that Italians have cherished since childhood, and learn how to select the finest ingredients, from olive oil and flour to herbs and spices. Each recipe is beautifully illustrated with stunning photographs, serving both as inspiration and guidance.