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Logistyka dystrybucji. Trendy - wyzwania - przykłady
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This monograph serves as a valuable update and enhancement to well-regarded and widely-referenced literature in the field of distribution logistics. It provides a comprehensive exploration of both fundamental concepts and more intricate topics within this domain. The book delves into the various tasks associated with distribution logistics, the classification and design of distribution channels, as well as customer service logistics. Additionally, it addresses pertinent contemporary issues such as the role of the Internet in goods distribution, social responsibility in logistics, and the unique logistical needs of FMCG (Fast-Moving Consumer Goods) enterprises. Readers will also find a thorough examination of emerging trends that are reshaping the landscape of distribution logistics, including omnichannel strategies and the sharing economy.
A significant advantage of this book is its relevance to current industry dynamics and the inclusion of numerous real-world examples, facilitating an easier navigation of today's distribution logistics challenges. The monograph stands out due to its clear language and straightforward presentation, along with its balance of classical topics and the latest trends in the field.
This publication is especially beneficial for entrepreneurs and those considering starting their own business who seek insights and guidance in distribution logistics. It is also an invaluable resource for managers responsible for distribution logistics, as well as academics and students specializing in logistics and management disciplines.
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17.59 zł

- normalne ślady użytkowania wynikające z kartkowania podczas czytania
- brak większych uszkodzeń lub zagięć
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widoczne ślady używania
This monograph serves as a valuable update and enhancement to well-regarded and widely-referenced literature in the field of distribution logistics. It provides a comprehensive exploration of both fundamental concepts and more intricate topics within this domain. The book delves into the various tasks associated with distribution logistics, the classification and design of distribution channels, as well as customer service logistics. Additionally, it addresses pertinent contemporary issues such as the role of the Internet in goods distribution, social responsibility in logistics, and the unique logistical needs of FMCG (Fast-Moving Consumer Goods) enterprises. Readers will also find a thorough examination of emerging trends that are reshaping the landscape of distribution logistics, including omnichannel strategies and the sharing economy.
A significant advantage of this book is its relevance to current industry dynamics and the inclusion of numerous real-world examples, facilitating an easier navigation of today's distribution logistics challenges. The monograph stands out due to its clear language and straightforward presentation, along with its balance of classical topics and the latest trends in the field.
This publication is especially beneficial for entrepreneurs and those considering starting their own business who seek insights and guidance in distribution logistics. It is also an invaluable resource for managers responsible for distribution logistics, as well as academics and students specializing in logistics and management disciplines.