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Używany - widoczne ślady użytkowania
zagięte rogi, przyniszczona okładka, książka posiada wszystkie strony.
Konik, szabelka
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Sprzedaj je u nas
This narrative is a fictionalized account drawn from the author's family history. It delves into the life of her grandfather, a cavalryman engaged in the Polish-Soviet War, alongside tales of her resourceful great-grandmother and her mother. Additionally, in a section whimsically called a "short anti-biography," the author reflects on her own life, particularly focusing on raising her three daughters, representing the next generation. The saga of this family intertwines with Poland’s tumultuous history, leading up to the symbolic cross on Krakowskie Przedmieście last year. Throughout the book, the narrator enriches the story with her insightful digressions. It is a heartwarming exploration of themes such as war, peace, love, and an enduring passion for horses, touching upon the joys, responsibilities, and aspirations that define human existence.
Wybierz stan zużycia:
11.18 zł
jak nowa

- niezauważalne lub prawie niezauważalne ślady używania
- książkę ciężko odróżnić od nowej pozycji
Wysyłka w ciągu 24h + czas dostawy
widoczne ślady używania
Dostępna ilość 1
Uwaga została 1 szt.
Posiadamy 2 szt.
This narrative is a fictionalized account drawn from the author's family history. It delves into the life of her grandfather, a cavalryman engaged in the Polish-Soviet War, alongside tales of her resourceful great-grandmother and her mother. Additionally, in a section whimsically called a "short anti-biography," the author reflects on her own life, particularly focusing on raising her three daughters, representing the next generation. The saga of this family intertwines with Poland’s tumultuous history, leading up to the symbolic cross on Krakowskie Przedmieście last year. Throughout the book, the narrator enriches the story with her insightful digressions. It is a heartwarming exploration of themes such as war, peace, love, and an enduring passion for horses, touching upon the joys, responsibilities, and aspirations that define human existence.