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Używany - jak nowa
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Używany - dobry
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Używany - widoczne ślady użytkowania
zagięte rogi, przyniszczona okładka, książka posiada wszystkie strony.
Institutions and Sources of Law of the European Union
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Sprzedaj je u nas
The relationship between the European Union and the legal systems of its Member States has become deeply intertwined, as highlighted within this comprehensive monograph. How EU law influences national legal systems is closely tied to the openness and willingness of individual countries to integrate these norms into their own frameworks. This situation underscores the relevance and necessity for continuous examination of this topic. The law within the EU, much like any legal framework, is subject to evolution and change. EU institutions are active entities, perpetually refining their roles and responsibilities. This dynamism in EU legislation showcases the organization’s aspirations for deeper integration. However, as explored in this book, such developments often create friction between the EU and its Member States, influencing perspectives on the current stage of European integration’s evolution.
Wybierz stan zużycia:
The relationship between the European Union and the legal systems of its Member States has become deeply intertwined, as highlighted within this comprehensive monograph. How EU law influences national legal systems is closely tied to the openness and willingness of individual countries to integrate these norms into their own frameworks. This situation underscores the relevance and necessity for continuous examination of this topic. The law within the EU, much like any legal framework, is subject to evolution and change. EU institutions are active entities, perpetually refining their roles and responsibilities. This dynamism in EU legislation showcases the organization’s aspirations for deeper integration. However, as explored in this book, such developments often create friction between the EU and its Member States, influencing perspectives on the current stage of European integration’s evolution.