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Guess What! 3. Pupil's Book. British English
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The book "Beautiful World Photography" offers an unforgettable adventure for young learners eager to explore the globe while learning English. This immersive experience prompts curiosity with intriguing questions, such as "Why do whales leap from the water?" and "What drives our bodies to move?" Its captivating approach is captured in the six-level course "Guess What!", which invites children to discover the world through fascinating facts, stunning photography, and engaging videos. The Pupil's Book for Level 3 is rich with dynamic content, featuring charming characters and stimulating topics designed to awaken children's inquisitiveness. The book includes a variety of activities like entertaining dialogues within context, songs, chants, games, narratives showcasing social values, functional dialogues, and role-playing exercises. The CLIL lessons within the curriculum provide countless opportunities for children to enhance their critical thinking abilities and broaden their knowledge across different subjects.
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17.44 zł
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- niezauważalne lub prawie niezauważalne ślady używania
- książkę ciężko odróżnić od nowej pozycji
Wysyłka w ciągu 24h + czas dostawy
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The book "Beautiful World Photography" offers an unforgettable adventure for young learners eager to explore the globe while learning English. This immersive experience prompts curiosity with intriguing questions, such as "Why do whales leap from the water?" and "What drives our bodies to move?" Its captivating approach is captured in the six-level course "Guess What!", which invites children to discover the world through fascinating facts, stunning photography, and engaging videos. The Pupil's Book for Level 3 is rich with dynamic content, featuring charming characters and stimulating topics designed to awaken children's inquisitiveness. The book includes a variety of activities like entertaining dialogues within context, songs, chants, games, narratives showcasing social values, functional dialogues, and role-playing exercises. The CLIL lessons within the curriculum provide countless opportunities for children to enhance their critical thinking abilities and broaden their knowledge across different subjects.