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Cambridge Igcse(r) Mathematics Core and Extended Coursebook
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This revised edition of the Cambridge IGCSE® Mathematics Core and Extended Coursebook provides thorough coverage of the Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics (0580/0980) syllabus. It features comprehensive explanations paired with illustrative worked examples, and practice exercises designed to help students solidify the necessary mathematical skills. The coursebook includes tools for assessing prior knowledge before embarking on new chapters and offers end-of-chapter exercises along with exam-practice tasks to test understanding. Both Core and Extended content are integrated within the same volume, clearly marked to help students navigate the full spectrum of mathematics required at this academic level. Solutions are conveniently located at the end of the book.
Wybierz stan zużycia:
This revised edition of the Cambridge IGCSE® Mathematics Core and Extended Coursebook provides thorough coverage of the Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics (0580/0980) syllabus. It features comprehensive explanations paired with illustrative worked examples, and practice exercises designed to help students solidify the necessary mathematical skills. The coursebook includes tools for assessing prior knowledge before embarking on new chapters and offers end-of-chapter exercises along with exam-practice tasks to test understanding. Both Core and Extended content are integrated within the same volume, clearly marked to help students navigate the full spectrum of mathematics required at this academic level. Solutions are conveniently located at the end of the book.