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This pioneering book delves into the distinct ways women experience burnout compared to men and offers a practical, scientifically-backed approach to help women reduce stress, navigate emotions, and lead a more fulfilling life. One of the main factors contributing to burnout is the disparity between the reality of being a woman and societal expectations, as women often deplete themselves trying to bridge this gap. The book challenges questions like, how can women embrace their bodies when constantly told they don’t measure up? How can they excel in their careers when their efforts go unrecognized despite giving their all? How do they maintain happiness and health in a world persistently labeling them as too loud, too needy, or too self-centered?
Sisters Emily Nagoski, Ph.D., a bestselling author known for "Come as You Are," and Amelia Nagoski, DMA, aim to break the cycle of overwhelm and fatigue, tackling the barriers that hinder women's well-being. "Burnout" combines cutting-edge scientific findings, actionable advice, and practical worksheets with exercises to uncover ways women can reset their stress responses to achieve relaxation, regulate feelings of frustration, battle the societal pressures imposed by the Bikini Industrial Complex, and highlight the importance of rest, human connection, and silencing the inner critic for burnout recovery.
Compassionate and insightful, "Burnout" offers a transformative perspective on stress management, equipping women with the tools to flourish under pressure and craft a life that is both meaningful and balanced. This book promises to provide every woman with empowering insights and strategies for enacting significant and enduring change.
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This pioneering book delves into the distinct ways women experience burnout compared to men and offers a practical, scientifically-backed approach to help women reduce stress, navigate emotions, and lead a more fulfilling life. One of the main factors contributing to burnout is the disparity between the reality of being a woman and societal expectations, as women often deplete themselves trying to bridge this gap. The book challenges questions like, how can women embrace their bodies when constantly told they don’t measure up? How can they excel in their careers when their efforts go unrecognized despite giving their all? How do they maintain happiness and health in a world persistently labeling them as too loud, too needy, or too self-centered?
Sisters Emily Nagoski, Ph.D., a bestselling author known for "Come as You Are," and Amelia Nagoski, DMA, aim to break the cycle of overwhelm and fatigue, tackling the barriers that hinder women's well-being. "Burnout" combines cutting-edge scientific findings, actionable advice, and practical worksheets with exercises to uncover ways women can reset their stress responses to achieve relaxation, regulate feelings of frustration, battle the societal pressures imposed by the Bikini Industrial Complex, and highlight the importance of rest, human connection, and silencing the inner critic for burnout recovery.
Compassionate and insightful, "Burnout" offers a transformative perspective on stress management, equipping women with the tools to flourish under pressure and craft a life that is both meaningful and balanced. This book promises to provide every woman with empowering insights and strategies for enacting significant and enduring change.