Książka - Metastazy rozkoszy


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Metastazy rozkoszy

Metastazy rozkoszy


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In recent years, the Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek (born 1949) has gained global recognition as an unconventional commentator on contemporary crises. Readers might be familiar with his works available through Aletheia Publishing, such as "Chaos in Heaven," "On Belief," "Looking Awry," and "The Demand of the Impossible." However, this relatively early publication reveals Žižek in a different light—an academic scholar deeply engaged with complex philosophical ideas centered around Hegel, Lacan, and ideological critique. After completing his studies in philosophy and sociology in Slovenia, Žižek pursued psychoanalysis in Paris during the early 1980s, shortly after Jacques Lacan's death. He then continued his research at the University of Ljubljana.

The book "Metastases of Enjoyment" has been published in numerous versions over the years, showcasing a quintessentially postmodernist diversity in its iterations, with language versions sharing similar titles but differing content. The Polish translation is based on the first English edition from 1994. Here, the concept of "metastases," akin to the spread of cancer, metaphorically represents the dissemination of Lacanian enjoyment along political and sexual lines, forming the basis for the book's two sections: "The Cause" and "Woman."

Žižek employs a psychoanalytic lens to interpret cultural phenomena, richly illustrating his theories with examples from popular culture. Of particular note are essays on courtly love, revealing its enduring presence in modernized forms, and the works of David Lynch. The book concludes with a self-interview that serves both as a summary of Žižek’s thought processes and an introduction to his central themes and concerns.

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In recent years, the Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek (born 1949) has gained global recognition as an unconventional commentator on contemporary crises. Readers might be familiar with his works available through Aletheia Publishing, such as "Chaos in Heaven," "On Belief," "Looking Awry," and "The Demand of the Impossible." However, this relatively early publication reveals Žižek in a different light—an academic scholar deeply engaged with complex philosophical ideas centered around Hegel, Lacan, and ideological critique. After completing his studies in philosophy and sociology in Slovenia, Žižek pursued psychoanalysis in Paris during the early 1980s, shortly after Jacques Lacan's death. He then continued his research at the University of Ljubljana.

The book "Metastases of Enjoyment" has been published in numerous versions over the years, showcasing a quintessentially postmodernist diversity in its iterations, with language versions sharing similar titles but differing content. The Polish translation is based on the first English edition from 1994. Here, the concept of "metastases," akin to the spread of cancer, metaphorically represents the dissemination of Lacanian enjoyment along political and sexual lines, forming the basis for the book's two sections: "The Cause" and "Woman."

Žižek employs a psychoanalytic lens to interpret cultural phenomena, richly illustrating his theories with examples from popular culture. Of particular note are essays on courtly love, revealing its enduring presence in modernized forms, and the works of David Lynch. The book concludes with a self-interview that serves both as a summary of Žižek’s thought processes and an introduction to his central themes and concerns.



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Dla Ciebie

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Dostawa i płatność


Cena: 59.55 zł

Okładka: Miękka

Ilość stron: 424

Rok wydania: 2022

Rozmiar: 1 x 2 mm

ID: 9788367020183

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