Stan książek
Nasze książki są dokładnie sprawdzone i jasno określamy stan każdej z nich.

Książka nowa.

Używany - jak nowa
Niezauważalne lub prawie niezauważalne ślady używania. Książkę ciężko odróżnić od nowej pozycji.

Używany - dobry
Normalne ślady używania wynikające z kartkowania podczas czytania, brak większych uszkodzeń lub zagięć.

Używany - widoczne ślady użytkowania
zagięte rogi, przyniszczona okładka, książka posiada wszystkie strony.
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Sprzedaj je u nas
A bottle set adrift in the vastness of the ocean could have reached the furthest parts of the globe. However, after a journey of less than a month, it landed on a beach in Cape Cod, where Theresa Osborne, a Boston journalist taking a break by the sea, stumbled upon it. Theresa, who was single-handedly raising her twelve-year-old son, discovered within that bottle a touching love letter addressed to a late wife. It began with the deeply emotional words: "My dearest Catherine, I miss you, beloved, as always, but today was especially difficult because the ocean sang of our life together." Profoundly moved by these words and captivated by the lovers' story, Theresa sets out to uncover the man behind such deep and steadfast affection. Who was this man, and where could he be found now? Her journey leads her to the enigmatic Garrett, sparking an unexpected and transformative romance...
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A bottle set adrift in the vastness of the ocean could have reached the furthest parts of the globe. However, after a journey of less than a month, it landed on a beach in Cape Cod, where Theresa Osborne, a Boston journalist taking a break by the sea, stumbled upon it. Theresa, who was single-handedly raising her twelve-year-old son, discovered within that bottle a touching love letter addressed to a late wife. It began with the deeply emotional words: "My dearest Catherine, I miss you, beloved, as always, but today was especially difficult because the ocean sang of our life together." Profoundly moved by these words and captivated by the lovers' story, Theresa sets out to uncover the man behind such deep and steadfast affection. Who was this man, and where could he be found now? Her journey leads her to the enigmatic Garrett, sparking an unexpected and transformative romance...