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Księżyc o północy. Magiczny domek na drzewie. Tom 8
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Sprzedaj je u nas
A top bestseller on the New York Times list, the "Magic Tree House" series is an adventure-filled and educational journey aimed at young readers. For over 25 years, children worldwide have been joining Annie and Jack as they traverse through different times and places.
In this installment, the Magic Tree House whisks Jack and Annie away to the Moon and into the FUTURE! Their mission is clear: locate the final item marked with the letter 'M' to help Morgan break a spell. Will they manage to complete their task before they run out of oxygen? Can they rely on the enigmatic moon man for assistance? And what unusual behavior is their little mouse, Peanut, exhibiting?
Wybierz stan zużycia:
A top bestseller on the New York Times list, the "Magic Tree House" series is an adventure-filled and educational journey aimed at young readers. For over 25 years, children worldwide have been joining Annie and Jack as they traverse through different times and places.
In this installment, the Magic Tree House whisks Jack and Annie away to the Moon and into the FUTURE! Their mission is clear: locate the final item marked with the letter 'M' to help Morgan break a spell. Will they manage to complete their task before they run out of oxygen? Can they rely on the enigmatic moon man for assistance? And what unusual behavior is their little mouse, Peanut, exhibiting?