Książka - Krzyż


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The latest project from the creators of last year's most talked-about film, "Solidarni 2010," directed by Ewa Stankiewicz and Jan Pospieszalski, delves into the events on Krakowskie Przedmieście, a topic that stirred emotions among Poles for weeks. Known for their depth, Stankiewicz, a gifted young Polish director, along with the well-known journalist Pospieszalski from "Warto Rozmawiać," offer a portrayal that challenges the superficial nature of typical news coverage. Their patient and thorough examination of events and characters results in a narrative that is neither trivial nor distorted, revealing the complex truth behind the happenings.

This film is distinguished by its outstanding direction, unique materials, and a compelling format that captivates the audience with its electrifying subject matter, making it impossible to ignore. Accompanying the film is an insightful interview book featuring dialogues with the creators: Ewa Stankiewicz, Jan Pospieszalski, and Robert Kaczmarek. They discuss subjects like the personal cost they faced due to "Solidarni 2010," along with reflections on their film and the incidents at Krakowskie Przedmieście.

One notable moment recounted from August 9 on Krakowskie Przedmieście involves participants in a happening tossing a yellow plush duck, the size of a beach ball, while chanting "One more." This chilling scene conveyed a stark, undeniable message. Another more subtle image involved cries of "We want Barabbas!" echoing a collective, public renouncement reminiscent of rejecting Christ, a moment that sent shivers down Pospieszalski's spine, as he describes in a powerful excerpt from the book.

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The latest project from the creators of last year's most talked-about film, "Solidarni 2010," directed by Ewa Stankiewicz and Jan Pospieszalski, delves into the events on Krakowskie Przedmieście, a topic that stirred emotions among Poles for weeks. Known for their depth, Stankiewicz, a gifted young Polish director, along with the well-known journalist Pospieszalski from "Warto Rozmawiać," offer a portrayal that challenges the superficial nature of typical news coverage. Their patient and thorough examination of events and characters results in a narrative that is neither trivial nor distorted, revealing the complex truth behind the happenings.

This film is distinguished by its outstanding direction, unique materials, and a compelling format that captivates the audience with its electrifying subject matter, making it impossible to ignore. Accompanying the film is an insightful interview book featuring dialogues with the creators: Ewa Stankiewicz, Jan Pospieszalski, and Robert Kaczmarek. They discuss subjects like the personal cost they faced due to "Solidarni 2010," along with reflections on their film and the incidents at Krakowskie Przedmieście.

One notable moment recounted from August 9 on Krakowskie Przedmieście involves participants in a happening tossing a yellow plush duck, the size of a beach ball, while chanting "One more." This chilling scene conveyed a stark, undeniable message. Another more subtle image involved cries of "We want Barabbas!" echoing a collective, public renouncement reminiscent of rejecting Christ, a moment that sent shivers down Pospieszalski's spine, as he describes in a powerful excerpt from the book.



Książki autora


Dla Ciebie

Książki z kategorii

Dostawa i płatność


Cena: 4.61 zł

Okładka: Twarda

Ilość stron: 56

Rok wydania: 2011

Rozmiar: 145 x 190 mm

ID: 9788375692235

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