Stan książek
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Używany - jak nowa
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Używany - dobry
Normalne ślady używania wynikające z kartkowania podczas czytania, brak większych uszkodzeń lub zagięć.

Używany - widoczne ślady użytkowania
zagięte rogi, przyniszczona okładka, książka posiada wszystkie strony.
Koszmar opiekuna. Zły Kocurek
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Sprzedaj je u nas
Every caretaker's worst nightmare comes true! Kitten and Puppy are left alone at home for a week. But who will take care of them while their owners are away? Enter Uncle Muniek, an invaluable figure and a renowned contributor to the 'Fun Facts' section, someone you think knows absolutely everything about cats. But does he really? Will he manage to survive this challenge? "Bad Kitty vs. Uncle Muniek" is another installment in Nick Bruel's bestselling series for early readers. His books bring laughter not only to children but also to adults, thanks to the hilarious illustrations and stories where every cat owner can see their own feline friend. The first edition was published under the title "Bad Kitty vs. Uncle Muniek."
Wybierz stan zużycia:
Every caretaker's worst nightmare comes true! Kitten and Puppy are left alone at home for a week. But who will take care of them while their owners are away? Enter Uncle Muniek, an invaluable figure and a renowned contributor to the 'Fun Facts' section, someone you think knows absolutely everything about cats. But does he really? Will he manage to survive this challenge? "Bad Kitty vs. Uncle Muniek" is another installment in Nick Bruel's bestselling series for early readers. His books bring laughter not only to children but also to adults, thanks to the hilarious illustrations and stories where every cat owner can see their own feline friend. The first edition was published under the title "Bad Kitty vs. Uncle Muniek."