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Il professore. Włoska miłość
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Sprzedaj je u nas
Forbidden love, Italian art, and the captivating city of Florence
When Matteo Bartollini, an esteemed professor of Italian art, arrived at our university, he was welcomed like a long-awaited deity. With his intelligence, respect from peers, and striking good looks, he seemed to have it all: knowledge, ambition, student admiration, and a beautiful wife. However, a trip to Florence changed everything. It was there that I began to see beyond his perfect façade. It was there I discovered that his life was far from ideal. Though I never intended for it to happen, I found myself deeply entangled in feelings I thought would shatter my already fragile heart. Little did I know, Professor Matteo felt the same way. Life, however, is not a fairy tale, a truth I was destined to learn one fateful day.
Weronika Tomala, the talented author behind popular novels such as "Cztery liście koniczyny," "Nieprzegrany zakład," "Tam, gdzie diabeł mówi dobranoc," "Płynąc ku przeznaczeniu," and "Rabih znaczy wiosna," captivates readers with her compelling storytelling.
Wybierz stan zużycia:
Forbidden love, Italian art, and the captivating city of Florence
When Matteo Bartollini, an esteemed professor of Italian art, arrived at our university, he was welcomed like a long-awaited deity. With his intelligence, respect from peers, and striking good looks, he seemed to have it all: knowledge, ambition, student admiration, and a beautiful wife. However, a trip to Florence changed everything. It was there that I began to see beyond his perfect façade. It was there I discovered that his life was far from ideal. Though I never intended for it to happen, I found myself deeply entangled in feelings I thought would shatter my already fragile heart. Little did I know, Professor Matteo felt the same way. Life, however, is not a fairy tale, a truth I was destined to learn one fateful day.
Weronika Tomala, the talented author behind popular novels such as "Cztery liście koniczyny," "Nieprzegrany zakład," "Tam, gdzie diabeł mówi dobranoc," "Płynąc ku przeznaczeniu," and "Rabih znaczy wiosna," captivates readers with her compelling storytelling.