Książka - Czarna księga


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Czarna księga

Czarna księga


Masz tę lub inne książki?

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Inspector John Rebus finds himself swept into a whirlwind of unforeseen events that seem to border on absurdity. His life takes a chaotic turn with the unexpected reappearance of his brother, who has just been released from prison, coinciding with the sudden departure of his girlfriend. The situation is further complicated as he finds himself relegated to his own couch, a consequence of renting out his apartment to students. At work, things are no less tumultuous. A fellow detective falls victim to an attack, a stabbing incident arises, and a previously convicted child molester makes an alarming return to Edinburgh. The stakes are raised dramatically when a man is discovered hanging upside down from a railway bridge, and in the remnants of a hotel fire from years ago, a skeleton is found with a bullet in its skull. Disturbingly, this bullet is traced back to a gun Rebus unknowingly possessed. It becomes clear that these events are intertwined by more than mere chance. Rebus must delve into the notes of a colleague's black notebook, which proves crucial in unraveling this complex mystery.

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Inspector John Rebus finds himself swept into a whirlwind of unforeseen events that seem to border on absurdity. His life takes a chaotic turn with the unexpected reappearance of his brother, who has just been released from prison, coinciding with the sudden departure of his girlfriend. The situation is further complicated as he finds himself relegated to his own couch, a consequence of renting out his apartment to students. At work, things are no less tumultuous. A fellow detective falls victim to an attack, a stabbing incident arises, and a previously convicted child molester makes an alarming return to Edinburgh. The stakes are raised dramatically when a man is discovered hanging upside down from a railway bridge, and in the remnants of a hotel fire from years ago, a skeleton is found with a bullet in its skull. Disturbingly, this bullet is traced back to a gun Rebus unknowingly possessed. It becomes clear that these events are intertwined by more than mere chance. Rebus must delve into the notes of a colleague's black notebook, which proves crucial in unraveling this complex mystery.



Książki autora


Dla Ciebie

Książki z kategorii

Dostawa i płatność


Cena: 7.66 zł

Okładka: Miękka

Ilość stron: 382

Rok wydania: 2009

Rozmiar: 125 x 195 mm

ID: 9788373597525

Autorzy: Ian Rankin

Inne książki: Ian Rankin

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Może Ci się spodobać

Inne książki: Pozostałe książki

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