Książka - A history of Poland in outline


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A history of Poland in outline

A history of Poland in outline


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This book is primarily intended to supplement lectures on the history of Poland for English-speaking students who increasingly come to Poland on various foreign exchange programs or as individuals. It can also be used as a guide to the meandering history of Poland for foreigners who wish to become familiar with the history of a country located in the heart of Europe. We trust that this outline will further motivate discerning students of history to explore one of the most fascinating countries in this part of Europe. To others it may explain why the bell of freedom has always tolled for Poles, how the first democratic constitution in Europe was drafted, and why the dismantling of the communist system started in Lublin and Gdańsk. This book may also help to understand the character of present Polish society as well as their attachment to tradition, freedom and democracy.

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This book is primarily intended to supplement lectures on the history of Poland for English-speaking students who increasingly come to Poland on various foreign exchange programs or as individuals. It can also be used as a guide to the meandering history of Poland for foreigners who wish to become familiar with the history of a country located in the heart of Europe. We trust that this outline will further motivate discerning students of history to explore one of the most fascinating countries in this part of Europe. To others it may explain why the bell of freedom has always tolled for Poles, how the first democratic constitution in Europe was drafted, and why the dismantling of the communist system started in Lublin and Gdańsk. This book may also help to understand the character of present Polish society as well as their attachment to tradition, freedom and democracy.


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Okładka: Miękka

Ilość stron: 268

Rok wydania: 2011

Rozmiar: 17 x 24 mm

ID: 9788377840122

Autorzy: Robert Bubczyk

Wydawnictwo: UMCS

Inne książki: Robert Bubczyk

Inne książki: Język angielski

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Lang Lang, Mariola Bukowiec
Broszurowa , 72h wysyłka
Nowa Wyprzedaż Okazja

Taniej o 7.21 zł 25.00 zł

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